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Webinar ID: 817 0933 5201
Phone: 253-215-8782
File Number: Z0067-24
Applicant: Christian Strava
Property Owner: Christian and Miora Strava
Proposal: The applicant is requesting Hearing’s Officer approval for an event space related to wine tasting, parties, events, gatherings and weddings with a maximum occupancy of 300 people.
Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance Criteria: Sections ZDO 401, applicable portions of ZDO 1000s and ZDO 1203
These criteria may be viewed online at
Site Address and/or Location: 22322 S Central Point Road, Oregon City 97045
Assessor’s Map: TS3, RE1, Section 25 , Tax Lot(s) 300 and 305, W.M.
Property Size: ~ 38 acres
Zoning: Exclusive Farm Use